Teachers PD

Studio Ruby Chew designs and delivers bespoke Professional Development (PD) experiences that address the specific needs of teachers.

Ruby brings a unique perspective and skill set to her role, drawing from her dual expertise as both a practicing artist and an experienced educator. Ruby’s PD assists teachers to refine their Visual Art & Design skills and processes, supporting effective and authentic delivery of the Arts Curriculum.

Professional Development can include:

- Painting (Oil, acrylic, watercolour)
- Drawing (Drawing from observation, Life drawing, Portraiture drawing)
- Sculpture (Clay, ready-mades, recycled materials)
- Process-based making (Mono-printing, mixed media)
- Paper-based art (Collage, artist books, zines)
- Conceptual development (Alternative teaching approaches, Abstract drawing processes, Contemporary Art understanding)
- Approaches and support teaching Folios, Practicals and Visual Studies

Formats can include:

- One on one or group sessions
- Half day or 1 day sessions
- On-going weekly sessions
- Quarterly or monthly sessions working towards a larger goal


If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

  • Studio Ruby Chew will create a bespoke professional development experience for each teacher or organisation based on their needs.

    Through an initial consult, we will establish your goals, framework and materials.

    Ruby will craft a proposal outlining details, outcomes, timelines and artist fee. This proposal is open to discussion and revisions to ensure all your needs are addressed.

    To lock in, an upfront partial payment will be required.

  • PD can take place at your school, at Studio Ruby Chew or at another location (TBC) pending the needs of the PD.

  • PD can be tailored to suit individual teachers or conducted for groups. Ruby will carefully consider this aspect during proposal development, ensuring that the format aligns with the needs and preferences of the participating teacher/s, to maximise the effectiveness and relevance of the PD sessions.

  • Yes. Upon request, at the end of the PD, Ruby can provide a certificate which documents your training, including the artistic outcomes and hours completed.